Welcome to the homepage of the Northumberland Light Blues Club (LBC).
What’s new since your last visit ?
Visiting Schedule for the remainder of 2023
An update has been made to the visiting schedule for the Light Blues Club for the remainder of 2023. The schedule includes Lodges within a wide range of Masonic Buildings throughout the Province and we would welcome any Light Blues to come and join us on any of our visits.
Tynemouth and North Shields walk 2022
Details of the walk and some images of the day can be found here…
Lodge Justice visit March 2022
A summary and image from the Light Blues Club official visit to Lodge Justice No 4421 can be found here…
Lodge De Ogle visit January 2022
A summary and some images from the Light Blues Club official visit to Lodge De Ogle No 636 can be found here…
NYMC Conference Report 2021
A summary of a report on the New and Youngs Masons Clubs Conference 2021 is now available (Updated 11/11/2021)
Visiting Schedule for 2021 & 2022
We have produced a visiting schedule for the Light Blues Club for the remainder of 2021 through to the end of 2022. The schedule includes Lodges within a wide range of Masonic Buildings throughout the Province and we would welcome any Light Blues to come and join us on any of our visits. (Updated: 27/10/21 – Ver 2, Alnwick and George Stephenson swapped)
New Book Review
A new book review was added to the Resource Review Page on 7th October 2021.
Click here for a review of this book – The New Mason’s Friend.
Resumption of Activites
The website was reviewed on the 9th August 2021.
Brethren, it is great to see a return to regular meetings ! Many lodges have elected to resume their meetings from September 2021 but some lodges in our province have already started regular meetings and have already conducted installations and live candidate initiations!
The Northumberland Light Blues Club will be holding their first team meeting, since March 2020, on Monday 16th August, 2021. Following this meeting we hope to be able to update the website with a new 2021 / 2022 Lodge visiting schedule, as well as possibly outlining some upcoming events. Keep checking back for updates !
We are back !!!
NYMC Mini Monthly Conference

On Sunday, the 9th of May at 8pm,the Ashlar Club of Sussex are very pleased to present, “The Royal Family & Freemasonry”, by V.W.Bro Dr. Paul Richard Calderwood PGSwdB
About the speaker:
V.W.Bro Dr. Paul Richard Calderwood PGSwdB was awarded the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Goldsmiths, University of London, for his thesis on the history of Freemasonry in the twentieth-century.
For his essay on Freemasonry and Architecture in twentieth-century Britain he was awarded the Norman B. Spencer Prize in 2010, by Quatuor Coronati Lodge No 2076, the premier lodge of Masonic research. Now a full member of that Lodge, he served for three years as its Secretary. Since 2017 he has been the Secretary of the Editorial Committee of QC and its Book Reviews Editor. Appointed by UGLE as the Prestonian Lecturer for 2013, he is the author of a number of books including Freemasonry and the Press in the twentieth century and The Mark of the Red Dragon. He has also contributed sections within a number of other books including The Treasures of English Freemasonry as well as Reflections on 300 Years of Freemasonry. A former journalist, Dr Calderwood’s articles have appeared widely in a range of international journals.
He was initiated into Freemasonry in 1974 and is a former Assistant Metropolitan Grand Master in the Craft and Assistant Metropolitan Grand Superintendent in the Royal Arch. Currently he is the Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Province of South Wales and the Provincial Prior of the Knight Templar Province of Monmouth and South Wales.
This is a free zoom event, open to any subscribing member of a lodge under UGLE. To register, please complete the form using the booking link.
There is no dress code, so please feel free to come as you are.
Book here:
The website update on 8th June 2020 included…
A summary of the report on the NYMC 2019 conference held at Freemasons Hall, Leicester.
The website update on 29th April 2020 included…
Details of a visit to the Isaac Newton University Lodge No 859 in Cambridge
About the Northumberland Light Blues Club
The LBC usually meets on the first Monday of each month, at 19:00hrs, at a selected Masonic Building within the Province of Northumberland. The meeting venue and date are confirmed usually one week before the meeting, on the blog page of this website. All brethren are cordially invited to attend the meetings.

The LBC team consists of brethren from various lodges, from across the province, acting as Light Blues Coordinators for the various masonic buildings across the region. The brethren also carry out executive roles such as Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary, etc.
The purpose of the LBC is to support our newer brethren in the craft, our ‘Light Blues’. The LBC organises monthly official visits to various lodges throughout the Province and all Light Blues are encouraged to participate in the visits, which allow newer brethren the opportunity to see new masonic temples and create and expand masonic friendships which are so important to the future of Freemasonry.
The LBC also organises social events which allow our Light Blues the opportunity to meet other brethren at a similar stage in their masonic development.